Feels like a legitimate game you would have on a GBC!
Feels like a legitimate game you would have on a GBC!
Good news. It totally is. It runs on the GBC and once I finish the game its getting a release on physical cartridges.
I could see Markiplier playing this, gives off the same vibes as Spewer.
That's the best compliment haha, thanks for playing!
Nice art and music, but I can't get over the first sock.
Try holding shift and jumping myb that will do.
Thanks for playing!
I cried at the end, it was so beautiful!
*bursts out in laughter*
This could work as a Full-Ass game!
Can't play SHMPs for the life of me, but the art direction and sound design is quite nice, and very reminiscent of the "Neo-bit" style found in Indie games like Celeste and Shotgun King. That and the controls worked quite well (despite my poor inputs), never in the brief time I was playing did it feel like I was hampered by the controls.
9/10 I can't play SHMPS but it looks nice :)
thanks for playing and the positive feedback, much appreciated!
Don't ask
A simple game, easy to learn and beat, very good time-waster.
Thank you very much!!
This game is good fun, but it is far too easy to die, with no I-frames you can rack up a lot of damage very quickly if you get hit back to back.
Edit: With I-frames added, unfair deaths are far rarer then before! Thanks Blit-Blat!
Thanks for the feedback, I've added in a brief I-frame. Hopefully it should be a bit easier now - but not too easy!
While I myself don't like visual novels, I can tell this has potential to be something great.
Thank you!
I am a young thing who likes old things
Mother Fucker
Soup Can, Hell
Joined on 6/16/21